Trivia and Puzzles for Quicksilver by Callie Hart

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This book has been discussed all over Booktok and Bookstagram. If you follow any accounts that discuss Fantasy Romance, Enemies to Lovers, or Fae characters, this one has most likely popped up.

Some love it. Some hate it.

Personally, I enjoyed it. I have been learning to let the “critic” in me be a little more dormant. There were moments where you could see other story lines, characters, and beloved themes from other books pop up. She definitely drew inspiration from books that we all know and love. That doesn’t mean the characters weren’t relatable or the story not engaging. It didn’t make the DNF list. That’s a win, right there. I’ve really gotten much better and walking away from a book!

I’d love to know your thoughts and what your book club might have thought about the storyline. It was a definite cliffhanger, so I know there will be discussion popping up again in the fall of 2025 when the 2nd book is released. Until then, enjoy this word search and the other puzzles that are in the shop.

Word Search Puzzle for Quicksilver


Other Puzzles in the Shop

Characters in the Quicksilver Book

  • Saeris Fane: A 24-year-old thief from the desert kingdom of Zilvaren, Saeris is fiercely protective of her younger brother, Hayden. She possesses secret, strange powers and has been stealing from the Undying Queen’s reservoirs for as long as she can remember. 
  • Kingfisher: A multifaceted Fae warrior, initially perceived as an antagonist, who becomes a complex ally to Saeris. He struggles with his burdens and past, and his dynamic with Saeris is filled with emotional tension and complexity.
  • Hayden Fane: Saeris’s younger brother, who is initially naïve to the threats around him but grows into an awareness of the harsh realities. He shares a deep sibling bond with Saeris, and his involvement personalizes the stakes, making their connection critical to the narrative.
  • Carrion Swift: A citizen of Zilvaren, who Saeris has had a one night fling with. He hangs out in the tavern and goads her brother into gambling frequently.
  • Everlayne: A Fae who assists Saeris when she is injured. Daughter of Belikon. Nickname: Layne
  • Renfis: One of Kingfishers Fae generals who treads the line between knight and diplomat. Nickname: Ren
  • Lorreth: A member of Kingfishers army that is also a close friend.
  • The Undying Queen (Madra): The ruler of Zilvaren, known for her oppressive regime and control over the kingdom’s water reservoirs.
  • Orious: One of the king men in the Fae realm, who meets Saeris with disdain when she seeks answers about her fate.
  • Elroy: metal worker in Zilvaren that teaches Saeris how to forge metals
  • Harron: a captain of the guardians of, Madra, the Undying Queen
  • Belikon: The Fae king of Yvelia.
  • Malcolm: King of the undead that are trying to take over the Fae continent.
  • Taladaius: Fae turned vampire by Malcom.
  • Te Lena: a Fae healer that lives in Cahlish and heals members of Kingfishers household and close friends.
  • Iseabail: a young powerful witch that is descended from the Balquhidder High Witch, Melinda
  • Danya: a female member of Kingfishers army
  • Lupo Proelia: Kingfishers eight members tat make up his closes fighting team.
  • Nimerelle: Kingfisher’s god given sword
  • Solace: the god sword given to Kingfisher’s father
  • Avisieth: remade god sword that chose Lorreth
  • Morthil: a demon with a body that is half spider half Fae male
  • Finran: Kingfisher’s father
  • Edina: Kingfisher’s mother
  • Onyx: a fox that befriends Saeris

Other Key Terms

  • Yvelia, the Fae kingdom ruled by Belikon
  • Ammontrieth, the city of the undead and a version of hell
  • Cahlish, the name of the land Kingfisher has inherited
  • The Shallow Mountains, the mountain range that separates the Breach from the Fae lands
  • Sanasroth, a Fae Kingdom that contains Ammontrieth
  • Lissia, a Fae Kingdom that is a separate continent across The Shield
  • Gilaria, A Fae Kingdom on the other side of the Shallow Mountains
  • Ajun Sky, tall mountain in the kingdom of Yvelia
  • Ballard, the small village where Kingfisher and Saeris attend the harvest festival
  • The Darn,  the river that separate Cahlish from Ammontrieth
  • Fire Sprites, the type of Sprites that run Kingfisher’s household
  • Alchemist, a person who understands and controls metals
  • Obsidian, a type of rock that is black and has a surface like glass
  • Forge, a blacksmith or alchemists workshop
  • Tavern, a local place for drinks and gambling
  • Dystopian, a world environment that represents a state or society that is full of suffering and injustice
  • Silver, a precious shiny metal that is grayish-white
  • Quicksilver, a liquid metal that moves or changes quickly and is difficult to hold or contain
  • Gold, a yellow precious metal used in jewelry and decoration
  • Rings, a small circular band of precious metal often set with gemstones
  • Relics, an object belonging to a person that has sentimental interest or is thought to work miracles
  • Water, a liquid that is colorless and odorless that is necessary for the survival of living things
  • Gauntlet, a stout glove with a long loose wrist, usually worn buy a knight or as part of armor
  • Camp, a temporary or semi-permanent military base that provides lodging for troops
  • Portal, a doorway or gate that is used as an entrance to another area
  • Magic, the power to change the course of events by using supernatural forces

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